Week Progress Comments
Week 1: Jan. 12, 13 Introduction to Industrial Math Brief overview with a few toy problems.
Week 2: Jan. 19, 21 Selection of teams and projects. Background research on clients and nature of problems. Focus on software tools each team will need.
Week 3: Jan. 26, 28 Team work begins. Teams will take an in depth look at the research questions, meet the clients, and clarify the objectives/constraints.
Week 4: Feb. 2, 4 Time management plan. Having explored solution strategies, the team will agree on a basic plan. The importance of realistic goals cannot be overstressed! Anticipate pitfalls and avoid icing the cake before it is baked.
Weeks 5-7: Feb. 9-25 Primary work on problem. Avoid getting hung up on one single step of the problem. Look for compromises and heuristics that will allow you to move forward. (Once you have a workable final product, you can later return to intermediate steps you'd like to improve.)
Week 8: March 1,3 Begin drafting final report. You should now have workable results. While drafting your report make an assessment of deliverables and room for improvement.
Week 9-12: March 15 - April 7 Secondary work. Bi-weekly progress reports. Having come up with a working result, you can now focus on optimizing certain steps.
Week 13: April 12, 14 Final presentations (to class).
Week 14: April 19, 21 Final presentations (to clients).
May 1 Final written report due.